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Guidelines for Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne authors

1. Authorship rules

The editorial team accepts original papers which were not previously published. Works submitted to SSA should not be in print in other journals. Work published in the journal must be signed by persons who are their authors. Every author of a manuscript attaches a signed statement which confirms that he/she is the actual author of a given work and that he/she transmits the copyright to the current SSA publisher. Persons whose participation in creation of a submitted work is negligible (for example limited to providing materials) may be mentioned in the acknowledgments, but should not be named as authors. In case of doubt, the editorial team asks to specify the share of effort in a paper's creation of persons appearing as authors. Authors should also name in a footnote or acknowledgments people and institutions that contributed to the work's creation by scientific, in kind or financial contribution. All detected cases of scientific misconduct will result in rejection of an article.

2. Types of papers

Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne intend to publish works essentially in two sections:
a. peer-reviewed articles. As a peer-reviewed article should be understood the work that is accepted for publication based on opinions of reviewers;
b. reviews and announcements. Reviews published in SSA should concern critical discussion of broader scientific works (e.g. monographs, conference volumes). They should not be confused with polemical articles. Announcements will contain information important for scientific life, such as discussions about conferences, scientific workshops etc.

3. Submission of papers

Please send manuscripts in electronic form via the online editing system.

The file should contain the following parts:

1. The text of the manuscript, as far as possible as a single document, and within it:

    a. Title page, which should consist of:
    • name and surname of the author or names and surnames of co-authors (according to contribution to a given work/article creation)
    • organization, represent by author or authors, in the absence, please provide a mail address
    • degree/academic title
    • mail address, phone number and email address
    • in the case of many authors, indicate the author responsible for contacts with the editorial team
    • title of the article (short and relevant)
    • keywords;
    b. Text
    c. References;

2. Tables with captions

3. List of figures

4. Figures should be numbered, each in a separate file

5. Abstract in English

6. Information about the author/authors: name and surname, place of work (e.g. university, department, institute, chair etc.).

4. Acceptance of articles for publication

Seeking to keep a high professional level of the journal we apply the following method to assess submitted works. In the first stage of the editorial team assesses an article in formal, technical and factual terms. In the case of large differences in relation to the proposed SSA model the editorial team reserves the right to refuse publication of a given article. In the case of slight discrepancies the article will be sent back to the author for necessary corrections. In the next stage, a text accepted by the editorial team is evaluated by two independent, anonymous reviewers. We pass their comments to the authors in order to correct the papers. If an author does not agree with the reviewer's criticisms should justify his/her position by preparing an appropriate letter to the editorial team. At the request of reviewers an article that does not meet the requirements of the SSA can also be rejected at this stage of the evaluation. The editorial team reserves the decisive voice in resolving controversial issues.

5. Papers' size

The peer-reviewed articles may not exceed 10,000 words, not including the list of references, which means that the volume of basic text should be no more than 20 standard pages. Texts of reviews and occasional announcements in turn should not exceed 2000 words (not including the list of references). The editorial team accepts articles written in Polish, English, German, French and Spanish.

6 Structure of an article

The text of a peer-reviewed article, regardless of its profile, must have the scientific paper's structure. This means that it must consist of the following parts: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion as well as conclusions. All parts of the article from introduction to conclusions must be numbered.

This part should include a clearly defined purpose and subject of study preceded by presentation of a research problem.

Materials and Methods
In this part necessary information about data used in the paper should be placed. As a rule it consists of archaeological materials and/or documentation of spatial situation. Data on environmental research, etc. should be also included. Authors are asked to provide information about the place of materials' storage.
In sub-section on methods, the techniques used during the excavations or other research (non-invasive, testing, exploration, survey, methods of features and artefacts' measurement) should be described as well as accompanying environmental or geophysical research.

This part of the article should contain clearly presented results of analyses, e.g. based on carried out excavations or archive research. Results should be presented in comprehensive form (e.g. tables, graphs). The editorial team will not publish descriptions of features or commonly occurring artefacts.

This part should include information about the most important results concerning the research. It cannot be a summary of abstract or discussion. This is not the place for declaration concerning further excavations or pointing to new research directions etc.

Acknowledgements should not appear in the form of a footnote; they should be isolated in a separate section, which closes the article and thus occurs after "Conclusions".

7. Abstract

Abstracts are required for all peer-reviewed articles (volume of approximately 200 words). The abstract should include short and relevant presentation of problem, purpose and subject of study as well as information about the most important results of the research. Abstract will be published in online on publisher's web page as a separate file. Therefore, it must contain all kinds of information that will facilitate a preliminary read of the article. Abstract should not include references to figures, tables or bibliography nor detailed numerical data.

8. Technical requirements for text and illustrations

We accept texts prepared in a variety of text processing programs. Text should be formatted using the line spacing 2 or 1.5 points and generally available fonts, like Times New Roman or Arial size 11 or 12. An article's pages should be numbered. There should not be used Bold fonts or italic - in the case of the latter with an exception for Latin words. There should not be used automatic numbering or hidden characters. Figures and photographs should be characterized by a very high quality. The editorial team reserves the right to reject illustrations that do not meet quality requirements. The publisher is forced to limit number of colour figures because of high print cost. For this reason, we encourage the authors to prepare illustrations, including photographs, graphs and drawings in grayscale. In justified cases (e.g. extraordinary products) we will publish colour figures. PDF version of the article will be able to contain colored engravings . We will accept figures in TIFF, JPEG, and BMP formats (RGB or CMYK) with a resolution of at least 600 DPI. Their size must be adapted to B5, i.e. 12.5 × 18 cm.

9. References and footnotes

The list of references should include only works cited in the text. It should be prepared according to the following pattern:

a. journal articles
Wilczyński J., Wojtal P., Sobczyk K. 2012. Spatial organization of the Gravettian mammoth hunters' site at Kraków Spadzista (southern Poland), Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (12), 3627-3642.
Thomas R., Ziehaus J., in press. Spatial and chronological patterns of the lithics of hearth 1 at the Gravettian site Krems-Wachtberg, Quaternary International (2014), doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.10.031.

b. articles in collective works
Chmielewski W. 1975. Paleolit środkowy i górny, (in:) W. Chmielewski, W. Hensel (eds), Prahistoria ziem polskich, vol. I, Paleolit i mezolit. Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków-Gdańsk: Ossolineum, 9-158.
Conkey M. W. 1983. On the origins of Paleolithic art: a review and some critical thoughts, (in:) E. Trinkaus (ed.), The Mousterian Legacy: Human Biocultural Change in the Upper Pleistocene. Oxford: Oxford University Press (BAR Int. Series 164), 201-227.

c. books
Gamble C. 1999. The Palaeolithic Societies of Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pankiewicz A. 2005. Grodziszcze: wczesnośredniowieczne grodzisko plemienne na Przedgórzu Sudeckim. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis 2768, Studia Archeologiczne 37).

d. other works: copied conference materials, reports about laboratory analyses or excavations' results
Goslar T. 2005. Report z wykonania datowań 14C w Poznańskim Laboratorium Radiowęglowym. Wrocław: Archiwum Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego (typescript).

e. works available only online
Furholt M. 2003. Absolutchronologie und die Entstehung der Schnurkeramik, (access 30.12.2010).
The references to the literature should be arranged in chronological order, separated by semicolons (Burdukiewicz 1987; Bosinski 1989). They may refer to the whole work or to a specific page/pages, figure, table etc. They may have two forms: "According to Bosinski (1989, 16) ......." or (Bosinski 1989, 25; Terberger 1991, 141, Fig. 1).

In works meant for publication in Polish, foreign alphabets should be transliterated in the bibliographic record according to principles of the Polish Standard (e.g. for Slavic alphabets PN-ISO 9-2000; see = 629693). In works meant for publication in foreign languages instead, please use transliteration standards adopted in these languages; for English it is the system of the Library of Congress, used according to capabilities of an editorial program (

10. Figures and Tables

Figures and tables should be prepared according to the following rules:
Elements of the drawings should be marked with letters or Arabic numerals font type Arial - 10 or 12 points;

a. figure presenting artefacts' documentation (not including sketches) should be provided with a linear scale and in the case of plans with scale and marking of the North (compass rose or North arrow)

b. reference in text should be in the following format (Fig. 2a, c; 4g-i or 1: 1, 3; 2: 5-6 or possibly 2A, 4B -D)

c. titles and figures' explanations should be placed in Lists of figures attached to the main manuscript's file; captions should not be treated as sentences, and therefore can not end with full stop

d. captions should contain a source of a figure between brackets, e.g. "photo J. Poleski"; "drawing K. Strauhold","drawing K. Strauhold, digital preparation J. Hen"

e. in the case of materials (e.g. figures ) taken from other sources published or not, regardless of whether the author is the creator of a given article, you must explicitly specify the source must be clearly specified - "after Kostrzewski 1964, Fig. 21". It should be remembered that the work to which we refer, should be placed in the "List of references"

f. tables formatting and orientation must be consistent with the format of the journal, i.e. B5. This means that tables cannot contain an excessive number of columns and rows. In header rows should not be placed vertically oriented texts

g. graphs should be clearly readable and prepared in terms of hachures to be readable in grayscale. The 3D charts for presentation of percentage/rates should be avoided.

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